
"Quality by heart, Safety first" is the embodiment infringed in every employee here at Takshi Auto. We believe “Quality is manufactured in the process”. This has been our ‘_Mantra’ and we follow it to the T. We implement the Supplier- Customer concept at every stage of manufacturing giving a perfect divine meaning to our goals; Customer Satisfaction, Performance and Delivery.  “Quality is never an accident, it is always the result of good intention, sincere efforts, positive involvement, thoughtful direction and skillful execution.” Our dexterity school “Takshashila” is where training & skill upgradation for our employees regarding process & product performance is given utmost priority to understand Customer Requirements. Skillful use of quality tools and analysis is taught to all our employees for problem resolution. We focus on continuous Improvement & Sustainability through our Strong Pillars of Work Culture Improvement, System Improvement, Quality and Productivity Improvement.